While taking up the hunt alongside the other assassins, Shiva knowing that that her master was interested in the target, instead opts to test the masked vigilante's mantle intending to pick up the reward as a consolation prize if he fails the test.

She is seen in the video feed where she is surrounded by thugs, only to kill them all with her combat skills and then received the invitation from a cowardly mobster who then flees from her. Shiva, alongside Bane, Deadshot, Firefly, Electrocutioner, Deathstroke and Killer Croc, are hired by Black Mask ( Joker) to kill Batman for $50 Million on Christmas Eve. Realizing who her master is, Bane demands to know what his planning, only for her to threaten and warn him to not interfere but escaping to reunite with her squadron of ninjas. Angry and scared his plans could be in risk, Bane demands on how she knows of this and Shiva says her master has a great deal of knowledge. Shiva, not fearing Bane at all, turned the tables on her captor revealing inside information on the TN-1 formula. Wanting to discover her true reasons for being in Gotham, Bane captured her and brought the assassin to his lair where he attempted to threaten her for information. Shiva also came into contact with one of the other assassins after Batman Bane, who was immediately suspicious of her. With Sharp unaware, Shiva was secretly manipulating him into becoming the perfect pawn for Ra's al Ghul and Hugo Strange in their ultimate goal to eliminate any and all crime and corruption in Gotham for good. At some point before the events of Arkham Origins, Shiva came into contact with Quincy Sharp and was able to convince him to reopen the old Gotham City mental hospital and claimed that in exchange her master could help him achieve his goals in becoming mayor of Gotham City.