Microsoft offers no uptime guarantee and recommends to not use it for production applications.There are no procedures for data backup and restore unless you provide it yourself.If your application is data driven, scaling is not possible since each instance will have their own database and dataset, and data is not shared between instances.But there are some things I should warn you about: Having MySQL on the same machine is super fast and requires little to no changes in your configuration. Think of it as the common LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on a single server, but now its cloud version AWASMP (Azure Web App Service, MySQL, and PHP). It’s a local MySQL database that runs on the same Web App Service that contains your PHP code. When you run a small PHP application with little database requirements, MySQL in App Service is a very good fit.

Microsoft Azure offers two types of MySQL services: Please read that first before continuing here. In this article I continue from where I ended in my “ Hello World From Azure” article. Running your web application in the cloud should have no impact on your application logic and require just a configuration change.
In this article I will describe how to set up and connect your PHP application with a MySQL database on Microsoft Azure, as part of the App Service and a separate service called Azure Database for MySQL.Ī modern web application needs to connect with a database and in PHP world, MySQL has been the most common one.